26 Chemin Sully Wakefield Québec Canada
J0X 3G0 819-459-3164
Gallery Hours:weekends 10am - 5pm
weekdays by appointment or by chance
Heures d'ouverture:les week-ends de 10h à 17h
en semaine sur rendez-vous ou au hasard
Galerie McKenzie Marcotte had a good run starting with
Michael Sproule in June of 2000, to
Denise Coker in September 2013. Every vernissage was an occasion, every exhibition significant and illuminating, but all things come to pass and the life cycle of the gallery as a space presenting solo exhibitions of artists from the Wakefield and Gatineau Hills area came to an end in September 2013.
Since then the gallery has only shown the work of ceramic artists
David McKenzie and
Maureen Marcotte. To see more of their work please visit their individual websites:
To contact any of the amazing
artists shown during those thirteen gallery years here are some
arists' websites or social media pages